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The Re Vision


For about five years I've had an annual vision board party. In December, I could have never envisioned how 2020 would unfold but I set my goals and rebranding was the main focus. I had lost sight of my mission and became a jack of making anyone happy and a master of making no one happy. I had spread myself thin doing any good deed in the name of my nonprofit rather than serving my purpose and mission with all of me.

While I had a timeline for how I would have liked the rebrand to happen, honestly I had to wait until I was given the vision for where I should grow with my organization. I needed to get back to why I began this in the first place.

When I started my nonprofit journey I wanted to keep religion out of my message as to not turn people away who were not religious. As time went on, I could not hide God’s great part in my story. My healing would have been nothing without not only His hand in it but also the community of believers that prayed for me even when I wasn’t praying for myself. And the reality that I am still alive for a reason gives me The Will to keep going. 

I’ve always been a runner and learning that that can be my most helpful and healthy coping mechanism has been such a blessing. Traditional medicine doesn’t have to be our only healer. Our bodies are made to heal and the chemicals released during physical activity work far beyond what they eye can see.

In high school we had “senior wills” where the graduating seniors left their legacy for someone to carry on. I didn’t understand the true significance of a will until my fathers untimely passing. I now look back on times when I was transitioning from one chapter of life to another and have learned to thoughtfully decide what I must leave behind but also what I need to take with me into the next chapter.


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